Clinical Trial Integrated Management System
Match patients to trials


Clinical Trial Markup Language (CTML) is an open standard that was created by DFCI and Harvard Medical School. Creating CTML files in YAML format files manually was very time consuming and prone to typos and errors. We came up with the idea of a software that can create CTML files in a user friendly manner. The new CTIMS software enables users to easily create CTML files. As part of the UHN CDI Grand challenge 2022, CTIMS proposal was selected as the Prize Winner. Pugh Lab and CDI teams collaborated to create CTIMS, while taking into consideration input from multiple users and stakeholders. CTIMS follows strict UHN Security guidelines.

CTIMS has four components namely Assembler, Editor, Matcher and Viewer. The Assembler converts study data from cBioPortal format to MatchMiner format, either from locally saved cBioPortal study files or by retrieving data via the cBioPortal API. CTIMS Editor helps to create CTMLs efficiently and store them in a database. CTIMS Matcher is the DFCI MatchMiner Engine. DFCI MatchMiner uses CTML files to find patient trial matches. CTIMS Editor integrates with MatchMiner via MatchMiner API and Message Queue for supporting QuickMatch. QuickMatch allows the curator to quickly verify the CTML. CTIMS Viewer stores the match results for data analysis and visualization. CTIMS Viewer API supports integration with cBioPortal so that the trial match results can be viewed in cBioPortal along with patient data. CTIMS supports Authentication and Authorization using Keycloak.


CTIMS follows the below principles

Open Source

CTIMS is developed as an open source software with contribution from multiple institutions

Privacy and Security

Personal/Protected Health Information (PHI) is not included in CTIMS. As proprietary clinical trial information is stored in CTIMS, the application is secured by Keycloak

Collaboration and Interoperability

CTIMS works with other open source software such as cBioPortal, Matchminer, Keycloak


CTIMS consists of the following applications.

Convert study data to match data
Create a yaml/json file in open source CTML format from clinical trial
Match patients to clinical trials. CTIMS uses open source Matchminer for matching patients to trials.
View patient trial match results


Common questions about CTIMS

Can CTIMS be setup locally?
Yes. CTIMS can be setup easily in local environment as it is based on docker

Are there detailed documentation or help available for local setup, deployment, using CTIMS?
Yes. For detailed FAQs, User manual, Help and Setup Documentation please visit CTIMS Gitbook site

Our Team

CTIMS is developed in a multi insitutional open source format. The core development is done by UHN. As CTIMS is open source, the software includes contributions from around the globe. CTIMS is an integral part of the PMATCH suite of initiatives and software ecosystem.


Pugh Lab, UHN

Trevor Pugh, Prasanna Kumar Jagannathan,
Marian Tang

If you would like to contribute to CTIMS please contact us.

Contact Us

Please contact Pugh Lab team members for any questions. We can be reached at cbioportal_group at